What Can You Expect ?
I offer a completely confidential and understanding approach to your issues. You can be completely comfortable talking about your problems whatever they are. I have wide experience in supporting people to work through their issues and achieve their goals. My practice is based in Warrington centre, where I can offer you a comfortable space to explore and resolve your issues. Free parking is available for clients. The office is up two flights of stairs and not suitable for disabled clients. Please let me know if you have mobility problems and alternative arrangements can be made.
Each session usually lasts 1 to 2 hours and session plans are completely individual and planned around your needs. Session fees are charged in advance or at the time of the session. See fees page for details
An assessment session lasts 90 min and is an oportunity mainly to identify the “landscape” and clarify what your key issues are, for us to agree what your desired outcome is, and for you to see if you feel you have the necessary rapport to work with me. An assessment session will cost £75. After that we decide on a plan for you together. Many clients find they can achieve their goals in 2 – 6 sessions, as NLP therapy is a very powerful approach, and I am able to work long term if that is required too.
A typical session will last 1 ½ hours, during which I will ask questions to guide our conversation about the issues concerning you, and encourage you to define your desired outcomes. We will focus on your behaviour i.e. what you do that can be experienced by others, and also your internal experience i.e. the thoughts, ideas, internal dialogue, visualisations, and feelings you experience. I may perhaps help you to practise visualisation and relaxation techniques; sometimes we could use a variety of tools and techniques to help explore your issues and find ways of resolving them. You may be asked to carry out some tasks for yourself between sessions, for example: observe a particular aspect of your behaviour, keep a journal or logbook, read an article, practise a particular technique, listen to a CD or tape, or experiment with a new behaviour.
I am a member of the NLPtCA (Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy and Counselling Association) which is a member organisation of the UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy). I am also accredited by the BABCP (British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy).My practice is supervised by an NLPtCA accredited supervisor. I often record sessions in order to use the review of the recording to develop my own learning and practice. If I wish to do this with your sessions your consent will be sought at the beginning. Recordings are kept in the same confidence and security as other session notes and records. They may be discussed with my supervisor as part of the supervision process. All supervision discussions are anonymised.
I hope this information is useful in helping you to decide if therapy is the right approach for you now. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. If you feel you may wish to proceed the next step is to make an appointment with me.
To make an appointment or discuss what we can do for you Contact us