Life-Goals Coaching
Do you want more from life?
Do you have dreams you would like to make come true?
Do you want to improve your work life?
Do you want to improve a relationship?
Do you want more confidence in your own abilities?
Is there something you long to do?
If you answered yes to one of the above questions or you feel a sense of dissatisfaction with your life and want to improve it then having me as your personal coach could help you do it.
What Coaching can do to help
We can work together to clarify what you really want, “What do you want to have happen now?” and take concrete steps to achieve it. Coaching can help you to know yourself better, and both accept yourself, and change yourself. You can gain greater insight into your motivation and responses, and gain better ability to take response-ability for your life, i.e. ability to choose your response. If there are barriers or blocks or things which keep happening when you try to move forward towards your desired outcome, we can examine these and find a way to get past them.
You can also access and use resources such as models and tools. NLP offers a range of approaches. These include: metaphors to power up your motivation and clarity; psycho-geography to help you make your issues and desired outcome tangible; trance to help get your automatic responses aligned; metamodel to identify blocks and assumptions, and exercises to help you explore.
How we work
There are no standard answers or dogma in life-goals approach. It is based on you and your needs and situation.
Life-Goals aims to help you make the most of your life. Coaching offers support to achieve your goals in every aspect of your life. We help you achieve a balance between life areas such as work, family & friends, learning and development, health and spiritual practice. Life-goals can help you break out of limiting perceptions, and find realistic and life-changing ways to reach for your dream.
Coaching is a relationship and involves action from both parties. Only a small amount of the activity takes place during coaching sessions. Most of the change will take place as you put new skills, ideas, and experiments into practice between sessions. You can expect to leave each session with a plan, and it is helpful if you record plans, insights, and results. I will guide you, and you take responsibility for your own learning.
Life-goals goal is to help you to clarify and achieve your own goals to become fully who you are.
Life-goals offers flexible coaching face to face in Warrington or at your home, or by online video, or by phone. Sessions are of flexible length and frequency.
If you feel that coaching may be for you, contact me to clarify what you want from coaching, what you are willing to put into it and what life-goals can do for you. See contact page